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(2) comments

Howard Peterson

11. Will apply common sense and actually THINK about every political action 365 days a year.

12. Will NOT make promises with no intention of keeping them or knowing full well they cannot be met.

George Don Spruill

Danny Kirk, you just eliminated every Democrat politician with every point except age and travel (whatever that is for). They'd never get past these... 1.) Has integrity, 3.) Did not grow up spoiled, 4.) Has accomplished something (meaningful, other than spending other people's money), 5.) Cares about all Americans and America's leadership in the world, 6.) Understands U.S. government, U.S. and world history, 8.) Has led an organization (a life in politics, sucking off America's teat doesn't count, 9.) Can admit when wrong (of course Democrats have the media kissing their hind quarters, so their wrongs are not ever pointed out, and 10.) Understands the job of the president is to serve the people (as opposed to their own and their party's interest).

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