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(4) comments

George Don Spruill

This will be considered politically incorrect and racist. The truth many times is. There is a reason the majority of persons apprehended by SRO are Black. It’s the same reason the majority of inmates in our prisons are Black. Is it racism, or are those persons apprehended committing most of the offensive acts? Go back and look at the riots in 2021 in our Blue cities, where the Democrat leaders were not in favor of law and order. Who is committing the majority of the crimes there?

Mike Nelson

You nailed it Mr Spruill.

Howard Peterson

I'll take a Security Officer with a gun by his side in EVERY school any day of the week. There also has to be LOCKED doors only open from the inside. Also, not anyone who rings the buzzer gets admitted into the school building. Any person who rings the buzzer should be asked who they are at the school to see and then that person comes to front door to either authorize or decline admittance and that goes especially for young people who are or were recently students of that school. Unless I am wrong, the school mass murders have all been committed by deranged young people and just because they are familiar, does not permit them to enter a locked building. Yes, there has to be some common sense here but the school officer is in control of the premises and he has the right to frisk or deny entrance to ANYBODY!


In addition to armed SRO', we need to lock down the school campus with better fencing, way more cameras, beefed up entrances into the buildings and internal door locking systems for the classrooms.

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