The following was shared by a physician in another state. In the grocery store she over heard some young adults discuss the ruling just passed by the Supreme Court. As they talked about the issue the concern was expressed by this interchange. “Hey, I just heard the Supreme Court shot down somebody named Roe v Wade. What did that Wade fellow do anyway?”
Upon returning to her clinic she over heard some of her young staff asking, “What exactly was Roe v Wade?’ All of these had been reared in a post Roe v Wade world and honestly didn’t know what it was.
It would have been difficult to believe these stories had I not seen on TV the Jesse Watters show where a reporter interviewed young adults in their 20s regarding nursery rhymes. They did not know such simple things as: “Mary had a little what?” “Little Miss Muffet sat on a what?” “Three Little whats?” What kind of childhood must they have had?
On previous occasion parents along with their daughter came to visit the doctor. The dad explained the daughter’s situation. She had just graduated from college and received a scholarship that would pay for her masters degree, However, she was pregnant. They were seeking a referral to a doctor who would perform an abortion. The doctor explained she could not do it. When asked why, she explained that it was a dangerous procedure. Her dad exclaimed he had heard they had recently developed the procedure to the point it was safe.
The doctor further explained that it was a very dangerous procedure, fifty percent of those involved did not survive the procedure. Aghast, the parents marveled at this. The doctor further explained she had never heard of an aborted baby that survived.
Over 63,000,000 babies have suffered a premature death. Many parents through the years have chosen life over death for their unborn. King William the First was one such. He became the first Norman king of England. For 1000 years every one of England’s monarch has descended from him.
Many exceptional persons were born to parents who seriously considered aborting them: Leonard DaVinci, Confucius, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Paine.
More recently Oprah Winfrey, Marilyn Monroe, Tim Tebow, and Steve Jobes. No Steve Jobes! No computer. What a loss to the world. We will never know what gifted persons have been included in our massive group of little people who have been killed by being aborted.
A bright side to the issue is the work being done in pro-life clinics. They are not houses of horror where attempts are made to frighten a young woman into giving birth rather than having an abortion. They are places where compassion and understanding are shown. Advice regarding alternatives is shared. Council on medical care is given. If the young woman elects to give birth, insight regarding baby care is provided. Vitamins and diapers are provided for two years at many clinics. Adoption as an alternative is shared. If such is decided on the clinic does not for this or any service get money.
Elizabeth Warren is working in Congress to get such clinics closed. There is no compassion there.
I was instrumental in establishing such a clinic. It has been in existence long enough for some of the children born that were being considered for abortion to now young adults. I don’t know of a one who regrets his or her mother’s choice of life.
(3) comments
No one supports the killing of babies...this is a moronic and incendiary pro-government control talking point.
And not for nothing.... It's Steve Jobs. Not Steve Jobes.
If you watch Jesse Walters you show your intelligence level.
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